Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Posted by sonam yeshi

This special last-minute arranged Puja was made possible due to closed bondage of family relations, and Friendship, and thoughts of loving kindness of friends towards a friend's family urgency to help an immediate family to re-gain consciousness after all medical tests failed to find any possible cause except 'lack of sodium and potassium' (?) after the tests and examinations and being hospitalized in 3 private hospitals for a month (?). We could feel the agonies and anxiousness of the immediate family members, even the siblings of the patient! - Thus we put aside our personal important matters and travelling about 200KM to be with the family for a day Buddhist Puja - Medicine Buddha Puja.

We were grateful and thankful to H.E. Kunde Rinpoche's compassion in this Medicine Buddha Puja, the last session was Medicine Buddha Mantra Chant and Transferring of Merits were just amazing, heartful and virtuous, a 2-hour chant instead of initially planned of 11/2 hour chanting! We also would like to express many thanks to all Buddhist friends who came to attend the Puja.

[The original picture was photographed by sonam yeshi, captions & details of the Puja by Kunde Rinpoche]
May the Merits of this Medicine Buddha Puja be shared with All Sentient Beings for Peace!
Tashi Delek 吉祥如意

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