Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Live Story from the Oral Tradition (7) – Kyabje Patrul Rinpoche (Doptal)

Posted by Sonam Yeshi Live Story from the Oral Tradition (7) – Kyabje Patrul Rinpoche (Doptal)

The name of Kyabje Patrul Rinpoche was extracted from page x, “Dedication”,  A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection / H.E. Kunde Rinpoche; Translated by Geshe Lhakdor and Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam, p.x ].

Chat with H.E. Kunde Rinpoche (herein address as Tulku) with Sonam Yeshi (his student) sometime in early 2011, and in August 2011 after his translated manuscript was published.

Q= sonam yeshi, A=Kunde Rinpoche, HH = Kyabje Patrul Rinpoche, Bracket ( ) - notes added for clarity, [ ] - expression

Q: Tulku, I wanna asked you some questions related to the famous Patrul Rinpoche, but have reservation as my direct speech may sound impolite most times (at least to lay people). Historically, Patrul Rinpoche  composed this book, translated to English is  The Words of My Perfect Teacher ‘(Kunzang Lama’i Shelung), and is regarded a Tibetan Buddhism Classics by non-Tibetan readers. I have this book recommended by Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche in 1995, and personally I believe this text had been very inspiring and is still emanating much inspirations to countless people (Buddhists) as a concise systematic guide/text in Vajrayana Buddhism, especially Nyingma School?
A: Yes, it is a text recommended for reading for practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism. It is well known among Tibetan Buddhist Lamas and teachers.

Q: Tulku, no offence (Khenpo, once reminded us the ‘monk’’s robe represents human enlightenment (the Buddha). Last year (or 2009?), one day a thought arose in me: had this Great Teacher reincarnated? In this ICT age, naturally the most convenient tool is Internet, Search Engine. Thus I google this name, and incidentally I retrieved the top recalls in the list at that Search Engine. one young look Lama with the same name, his site was written in English, there is a nice poem written in English for his students. I was very ‘straight forward’, with joy, I thought I had a surprised discovery, and wrote in my blog and put a link to his website at that time.  Later, I visited that site a few times and read, but started to feel I need to verify this same name (I amended it after seeking verification ).  

A: you meant a young Lama? We know there are about six (6) Lamas in Tibet are having this name!  The present Kyabje Patrul Rinpoche does not speak nor write English!(his age range within 50' - apology, cannot remember exactly after lapsed of time to this post - sonam yeshi) 

Q: Huh, SIX?! [naïve me, nearly fell off my chair!!!] what a fool of me!
A: It is natural, human nature (to associate even adopted the name of well known teacher). No problem, if their spiritual practice is as high as Patrul Rinpoche (没有问题,如果他们的修行与巴珠仁波切一样高) [smile].
Has Patrul Rinpoche chose his reincarnation? Where is this genius now?
yes, now, Kyabje Patrul Rinpoche, is a great Khenpo in Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery (Tibet). He taught Dzogchen practise (Great Perfection) to the Lamas learning & training In the Monastery.

Q: Who is/was HH present life's root Lama?
We have the same root Lama, Ladoe Gyatso.

(Note:  please refer page 10 of the above-mentioned Tulku’s publication, translated from Tibetan to English)

Q: Are you closed to HH?
A: yes. Umm, I spent one week of meditation retreat in the cave he stayed before near Dzogchen Monastery. Also, he care for me much, he had given me a copy of this book (The Words of My Perfect Teacher, in Tibetan)

Q: Can I have a look at it?
A: I have given it to Yeshe Rinpoche (another Rinpoche who studied, practised in Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery also)

Q: oh dear, what a precious gift! - and... (practise of exchange? or true friendship?)
A: [smile] precious, yes, but that's a gift of altruistic joy!

Q: then, where is Kyabje Patrul Rinpoche now, still in Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery?
A: He was invited to teach Dzogchen, at 五明佛学院(?)College Monastery (Qinghai) by Khenpo Tsultim Lodo Rinpoche 慈诚罗珠仁波切 (the student of His Holiness, Khenpo Jikme Phuntsok Rinpoche) as there are many thousands of Lamas at that monastery.  Currently, He is teaching Dzogchen (Great Perfection practice) in that Monastery.

Q: do you foresee one day Kyabje Patrul Rinpoche will return to his original Monastery to continue teaching?
A: [smile] (no answer)

Q: Tulku, could you associate something of this newly published book (A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection) with HH (Kyabje Patrul Rinpoche)?
A: During his previous life, after he had written kunzang lama’I shelung (The Words of My Perfect Teacher’, in Tibetan) manuscript, the community did not treasure and see its importance as a guide text to Dzogchen Practice, only until after he 'went off' (physical body dissolved)!
(forgot to ask, may be the rare one - the 5th Dzogchen Rinpoche? Related to earlier post of Him sent a Lama to provide writing tools for Patrul Rinpoche) {-this sentence seems to have deep meaning to me, - sonam yeshi}

Q: [speechless] sounded like Art History, a famous artist master piece work yet appreciation dawn after the disappearance of the Artist!
A: [smile] I am a cave man 我是山洞人![laughter]

Q: Tulku, oh…no…[impressed by his simple, humble and child-like demeanours!]
Thank you very much, For sharing this live story of Kyabje Patrul Rinpoche  and his relations with Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery!

A: Tashi Delek

Thus have i heard... posted by sonam yeshi in 2011

(Note: Transcribed by Sonam Yeshi. Any mistakes herein were the ignorant of the translator and transcriber, kindly feedback and notify at sonamyeshi09@gmail.com - posted by Sonam Yeshi)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Live Story from the Oral tradition (6) - H.E. the 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche (Jigme Losel Wangpo)

Posted by sonam yeshi
Live Story from the Oral Tradition (6) – H.E. the 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche (Jigme Losel Wangpo)

The below verse was extracted from verse 2, Prologue, A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection, page 10

" Jigme Losel Wangpo! You are the great practitioner of the Great Perfection,
The victorious state of the teaching of the Land of Snow,
Having actualized the state of fearlessness
Remaining without separation from us—the host of students—
And by turning our fresh intelligence into the fold of the Dharma." - (Extracted from: Prologue,vers.2, p.10)

Chat with H.E. Kunde Rinpoche (herein address as Tulku) in August 2011.
Q= sonam yeshi, A=Kunde Rinpoche, HH = the 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche, Bracket ( ) - notes added for clarity, [ ] - expression

Q: Tulku, you have visited Dzogchen Monastery in India regularly and mentioned the 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche often (Jigme Losel Wangpo), and he had verbally consented to publishing your manuscript translated from Tibetan to English as there was concerned that this manuscript if published and circulated may subject to misuse of the teachings by wrongful intention in individual’s mind.
A: Yes, He is one of the living holders of Dzogchen practice in the Dzogchen lineage (Great Perfection) besides Kyabje Pema Kalsang Rinpoche (Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery). (Please refer Prologue, vers.1-3, p.10).

Q: Tulku, could you narrate a little how special on the biography of HH in this life?
A: He was born to a special family, his brother is Kyabje Soygal Rinpoche (the author of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying), and his aunty is Khandro Tsering Chodon, the spiritual wife of Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro (1896-1959)**.

Note:** the most outstanding Tibetan master of the last century who was the heart of ‘non-partisan’ movement in Tibetan Buddhism.

Q: Briefly his biography in the lineage reincarnation most outstanding historically?
A: The 1stDzogchen Rinpoche & the 5th Dzogchen Rinpoche were most well known historically. The 5th Dzogchen Rinpoche had written many Tibetan Buddhism teachings, He also predicted the present Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery in geographical location symbolized the Wisdom Sword of Buddha Manjushri (the manifestation of Wisdom of the Buddha). And during his time, Patrul Rinpoche was writing one of the Tibetan Buddhism Classics ‘The Words of My Perfect Teacher ‘(kunzang lama’I shelung), He knew Patrul Rinpoche did not had ‘writing tools’ within his mind, he sent a lama to provide that – such visionary knowledge and wisdom is beyond intellectual book learning!

Q: how true is HH prediction of this said Monastery?
A: Historically, many
eminent Masters and Teachers in Tibetan Buddhism, especially in Dzogchen practice were Rinpoche, Lamas (students) undergone training and learning at Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery (Tibet). Among them, His Holiness, Khenpo Jikme Phuntsok Rinpoche (法王吉美彭措), and of course HH Pema Kalsang Rinpoche, the great Tibetan Masters of Nyingma Tradition.

Q: could you narrate an example of HH this life that reflected his humanity?
HH is known for his charity works in this life, especially in education!  (for his spiritual endeavours, please visit: http://www.dzogchenmonastery.org.in)

Q: spiritually?
A: HH has recognized a number of lamas reincarnations. His spiritual attainment and transformation through lives cultivation is beyond our limited minds understanding!

Q: and in person as a human being?
A: HH is very humble, simple, and visionary. His spirituality only could be experienced by people who have met him, and practising under him.

Q: Thank you very much, Tulku. For sharing this oral history of the 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche and his relations with Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery in the past!
A: Tashi Delek
Thus have i heard... posted by sonam yeshi in 2011

(Note: Transcribed by Sonam Yeshi. Any mistakes herein were the ignorant of the translator and transcriber, kindly feedback and notify at sonamyeshi09@gmail.com - posted by Sonam Yeshi)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Live Story from the Oral Tradition (5) - Choktul Karde Rinpoche

Posted by sonam yeshi
Chat with H.E. Kunde Rinpoche (herein address as Tulku) in 2010 & 2011, before the opening ceremony of Dzogchen Samten Chokling Centre, and after the manuscript he spent 10 years (or more?) to write was translated, finally published!.
Q= sonam yeshi, A=Kunde Rinpoche, HH = Choktul Karde Rinpoche, Bracket ( ) - notes added for clarity, [ ] - expression

Q: Tulku, from your manuscript on author's biography (initial translation was posted in 2009 at this blog), HH seems to have very closed connection with you in spiritual life and Bodhicitta inspiration (for 3 generations!)
A: yes, in the historical record of Horthang Tashi Monastery, he was the Rinpoche recognized Dringtul Kunde Rinpoche past and present while he was 6 six years old this life.

Q: Tulku, from the historical picture he had taken with you at that age (please refer to this blog), he was wearing lay clothes just as youself at that age. why?
A: yes, umm, at that period of years, all Rinpoches also wore lay clothes.

Q:Tulku, i am curious of the speciality of his meditation practice, among the methods stated in your translated manuscript (now published :A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection / H.E. Kunde Rinpoche; Translated by Geshe Lhakdor and Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam. ISBN: 978-967-10552-0-5)
A: In Horthang Tashi Monastery and the district area, HH is well known for his Phowa practice (please refer Q. no.23, p. 48).

Q:  Tulku, could you kindly share one special incident that could really 'surprised' our unclear mind comparatively to this teaching and practice?
A: There was one time someone in the district passed away and requested HH to perform Phowa at the deceased house by her (?)relative.  But HH was very busy on that day with the monastery as that house was quite a distant away from the Horthang Tashi Monastery.

Q: Then, could he just reject with that reason?
A: When the family insisted HH should go and help this, HH informed the family that he would perform the Phowa in Horthang Tashi Monastery.

Q: Tulku, to our cultural practice, usually the prayer would be carried out in front of the deceased. Does it works effectively with otherwise?
A: HH said to them he could do it in the Monastery without travelling to their house. 

Q: then, what happen?
A: As the deceased relative insisted, HH said that if you all did not believe, looked at the deceased head top at 3.00A.M. (15:00hrs) on such a day (next day?).

Q:  Oh dear, sounded like chinese Kungfu high Qikung master in the movie! What happened? [very curious]
A: At the stated time, the deceased head 'burst' from the top!

Q: [speechless for a while] Sounded unbelievable and real esoteric!!!
A: yes, even this family members were shocked to see the happening! -But very joyful.

Q: sorry, Tulku, just curious, could you do the same?
A: (silence) [smile and laughter] - (later humbly said 'no') . 
(but instead Tulku reminded me that appearance of psychic power iitself does not bring human enlightenment, many meditator of other religion such as Hinduism also record such psychic ability! - out of topic)

Thus have i heard...posted by sonam yeshi.

Note: with my mind still uncultivated, unmindful and unaware, Tulku's silence signifies i am not ready for the answers? After Tulku's book published, i learned from him that Phowa is also a Great Perfection practice, a very special meditation required instruction from specialize Dzogchen Master in Phowa practice, and it is not meant for beginners in Meditation and without going through all the Foundations practice stated in A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection,Q.1-Q.19 (p11-p.37). - sonam yeshi

(Note: Transcribed by Sonam Yeshi. Any mistakes herein were the ignorant of the transcriber, kindly feedback and notify at sonamyeshi09@gmail.com - posted by Sonam Yeshi)


Live Story from the Oral Tradition (4) - Kyabje Pema Kalsang Rinpoche

Posted by sonam yeshi

Live Story from the Oral Tradition (4) - Kyabje Pema Kalsang Rinpoche

Words of Praise, A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection / H.E. Kunde Rinpoche; Translated by Geshe Lhakdor and Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam, Back cover page ].

Chat with H.E. Kunde Rinpoche (herein address as Tulku) before the launch of his book on July 31, 2011 & August 7, 2011.
Q= sonam yeshi, A=Kunde Rinpoche, HH = Kyabje Pema Kalsang Rinpoche, Bracket ( ) - notes added for clarity, [ ] - expression

The below verse was extracted from verse 3, Prologue, A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection, page 10

"Pema Kalsang! You are the great teacher of the Great Perfection,
Who visited Rudam from the realm of holy place of the Lotus Field
To disseminate the secret tantric teachings in this fortunate eon
Your teaching will amaze the world." - (Extracted from: Prologue,vers.3, p.10)

Q: Tulku, you have shared with me many times on HH (Kyabje Pema Kalsang Rinpoche), and he is such supportive on this book translated from Tibetan to English, by writing the page on Words of Praise.
A: yes, He is one of the living holders of Dzogchen practice (Great Perfection) besides Jigme Losel Wangpo (the 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche in Dzogchen Monastery India, (Please refer Prologue, vers.2, p.10).

Q: Tulku, could you narrate a little how special on the biography of HH which we could not access from published document in English (or we may have missed somewhere)?
A: During the political religious difficulty (suppression?), the Lamas were not allowed to wear their robes and he was among many others sent to work as labourers. At that time, he was in his prime age (late twenty or early thirty years old ?), he was very handsome then, there were some ladies proposed to marry him, he had rejected one by one and maintained that he wanted to remain his renounced status (monkhood, though in lay clothes)

Note:(for HH picture, please refer to: A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection, p.109 - there was a picture of HH & Lodoe Gyatso, Tulku's root Lama photographed at Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery in 1998).

Q: wow, under such circumstances! Who recognized him as a reincanate Rinpoche?
A: By The 6th Dzogchen Rinpoche (and ? Rinpoche- apology, short memory after a lapsed of a month and more, will update once verified again). He was said (predicted) to be a very special Rinpoche when he was at age 5 or 6(?).

Q: how special is HH, refering to this?
A: When he was a child (less than 10 years old?), Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery was under demolishing situation in many ways (due to polital situation), at night time, he took the treasures (Buddha statues, scriptures in blocks etc. one by one) inside the monastery (before lost) and hide in caves (?).

Q: Oh dear, wasn't he discovered by the authority?
A: He did it in such natural way as a child, and the advantage being a child, it saved him being a suspect [laughter]!

Q: How significant to Dzogchen history?
A: Now those historical holy statues and the treasured teachings (some?) in Dzogchen tradition are kept in Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery were his fearless efforts during his childhood! [Bravo to HH] He had preserved the human enlightened wisdom in history in his child-like way! [laughter] Thus saved and preserved the important history of Dzogchen till this 21 Century.

Q: [silence.. too overwhelming]. too amazing! sound like a genius!
A: Thus HH is very 'famous' among the Tibetan Buddhists, Nyingma Tradition (at least in Tibet). Presently, he is taking care of Dzogchen monasteries in that province (?)...

Q: Could you share one special incident that reflects the spiritual status of practice, sorry to say lay people like to hear or see 'psychic eminence' or 'prediction' as some sort of 'practical proof'?
A: [umm...] In the 90an (20 century?), Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery (Tibet) hostels in the monastery were in very bad living conditions then for the lamas. One day it was on fire...

Q: Oh dear, what happen then?

A: At that time, the HH was in overseas (U.S.A?), when the monastery lama contacted him (via telephone?) to report the the 'casulty'.

 Q: what did HH said?
A: His Holiness replied very 'blessed' then (非常吉祥)! The lamas were very surprised and shocked HH did not show any words of worries but instead sounded 'joyful'!

Q: That's very interesting, no fear?
A: Apparently, he dreamt of fire before it was reported to him the real fire! This was the special 'eminence', even in dream state.

Q: why was it special?
A: In a short period of time, the monastery new hostels were constructed with many supports!

Q: [laughter] Wow, this sounded like 'fairy tale' in modern mythology!? - it is beyond my uncultivated mind imagination. Tulku, i can't even control my urge for sleeps...[laughters]
A: In India, there is the famous Vajrayana Master, whose meditation is 'sleeping' (睡觉法王) (- out of this topic....)

Q: Thank you very much, Tulku. I am very lucky to listen to your oral history of Dzogchen, Kyabje Pema Kalsang Rinpoche and his relations with Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery, real-life story related to Dzogchen practice!
A: Tashi Delek

Thus have i heard... posted by sonam yeshi in 2011

(Note: Transcribed by Sonam Yeshi. Any mistakes herein were the ignorant of the transcriber, kindly feedback and notify at sonamyeshi09@gmail.com - posted by Sonam Yeshi)