Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mandala Offering

Posted by Sonam Yeshi
May this Mandala Offering brings health, joy, happiness, kindness, compassion and wisdom to all sentient beings.  May the Mother Earth be Peaceful.

[photographed by Sonam Yeshi. All rights reserved]

"Through the roots of virtue I have amassed, may all sentient beings of the six realms - especially those who have direct connection with me - be freed from temporary hindrances such as conflicts, arguments, illnesses, harm from evil forces, wrongdoings and obscurations and spontaneously fulfill their wishes; and ultimately may they quickly actualize the supremely precious state of complete enlightenment" - Kunde Rinpoche, A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection, p. xi.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Buying Online - A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection / H.E. Kunde Rinpoche; Translated by Geshe Lhakdor and Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam

Posted by Sonam Yeshi (for the author)

We like to assure readers that the distributor contact mentioned-below has all the management facilities to deal with the online book order professionally for local and international interested readers, being one of the oldest Universities' bookstores in Malaysia (University of Malaya is a premier research university in Malaysia)




Address: Bagunan Perdanasiswa, Universiti Malaya, P.O. bOX 1127, Jalan Paintai Baru, 59700 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA.
Contact: Mr. Khairul Anuar Bin Saim, Assistant Manager

Tel: +6-03-7956 5000, +6-03-7956 5425

Fax: +6-03-7956 3246

Book Title : A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection.
Author : H.E. Kunde Rinpoche; Translated by Geshe Lhakdor and Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam
ISBN: 978-967-10552-0-5
Published date: 29 July 2011
Main Category : Religion
Sub Category: Buddhism – Spiritual life (Vajrayana) / Dzogchen (Nyingma)
Format : Paperback
Product dimensions: xiv, 128 p., ill. ; 21 cm.  

Thanks for your interest in this publication. If you would like to read an overview of the book: Contents page, Introduction page, Preface, and Word of Praise of H.H. Pema Kalsang Rinpoche (back cover text), please email to:

Live Chat on the book - A Garland of Flowers/Kunde Rinpoche

Posted by Sonam Yeshi
The following transcript derived from a live chat via skype of Sonam Yeshi with a friend from neighboring country (pseunonym) , also a friend of Kunde Rinpoche. She was concerned on the distribution of the publication.

A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection.
Author : H.E. Kunde Rinpoche; Translated by Geshe Lhakdor and Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam
ISBN: 978-967-10552-0-5
Published date: 29 July 2011

Note: bracket () wordings are remarks meant for clarificaiton. Some contents deleted.synbols : (pseunonym), - (sonam yeshi)

[8/24/2011 5:46:48 PM] :BTW - Tulku's book. Why need to sell so expensive?
[8/24/2011 5:47:23 PM] :Sorry to say that but if your wish to generate profit from books, it's pretty slim chance.
[8/24/2011 5:49:07 PM] - we have did some 'market' research on prices about dzogchen practice book - the price also reflects its uniqe teaching. profit is secondary. it probably can sell better in the west (cos' of more dzogchen pratitioners?)
[8/24/2011 5:50:22 PM] - if you read this book, it is unique, even i find part 2 & 3 difficult to understand
[8/24/2011 5:51:45 PM] : only real practicetioner will buy. Non practicetioner will not understand the depth of the book. Let me share with you, Taiwanese Rinpoche also translated a practice book for sales. But he make a comment "As this is practice books, usually Centre will buy one book and makes copies after that" so the books cant sell if go for printing"
[8/24/2011 5:53:08 PM]: As Tulku book only 100pages (xiv, ill.; 128), to buy a book and send for copy is not a difficult task.
[8/24/2011 5:54:46 PM] - the illustrations - the peaceful & wrathful 100 buddhas (deities) & his great master - Lodoe Gyatso made phtotocopying impossible
[8/24/2011 5:55:32 PM] - also the 100 buddhas is the only piece of illustration known by tulku which has all in one piece of art.
[8/24/2011 5:58:56 PM] - the idea/inspiration was from the Rinpche (forgot the name in the book) who had 'passed away' - credit given by his Lama. and this lama is planning to build a monastery in India under his name (at South India near Dzogchen Monastery), from the narration, this Rinpoche is coming back to continue his work. thus, later we may have to contribute based on book sales
[8/24/2011 6:02:33 PM] - i think to buy this book itself is a blessing - one of my friends a christian, diagnosed with cancer before, and immune system down. plus both parents sick off and on... (father diagnosed with cancer also) but she seems have affinity with Tulku's 'mani' & blessings. Lakely got bronchitis, i brought Tulku to see her - she bought the book, and reported that night itself her lungs' ribs pain subsiding & recovering well (even weeks of medicine didnt work for her)! - believe it or not :-D)

[8/24/2011 6:03:40 PM] : I can understand the important and precious of the contents. If the idea is to reach a bigger audience and readers then it should be made affordable to all and not only to the needy/medical conditions readers
[8/24/2011 6:10:29 PM] - haha, thanks for concerns over distributions/sales. i see Tulku such confident over his book (one westerner, former translator of Dzogchen rinpoche even 'advise' him not to publish his book - cos it will make him 'famous' but he worries of 'abuse' of this reveals of all the secret teachings thus far only in Tibetan - except 1-2 practice had been translated to english. i did read some books review with the title name dzogchen from scholarly database, this is the only complete manual of dzogchen pratice!!!
[8/24/2011 6:14:00 PM] - Thus i can imagine why the 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche (verbally) supported to be published. Thanks to HH Pema Kalsang immediately wrote Words of Praise upon reading his manuscript
[8/24/2011 6:14:50 PM] : Ok. Your may have different strategy on the sales of the book. Just hope its well accepted and having the 2nd print very soon.
[8/24/2011 6:15:27 PM] : ok. Chat again other time
[8/24/2011 6:17:18 PM] - bye (yn)

Bookstores - A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection / H.E.Kunde Rinpoche

Updated February 2012 - posted by sonam yeshi

[Book cover design idea from Kunde Rinpoche, All Rights Reserved]

Product Descriptions:
Book Title : A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection.
Author : H.E. Kunde Rinpoche; Translated by Geshe Lhakdor and Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam
ISBN: 978-967-10552-0-5
Published date: 29 July 2011
Main Category : Religion
Sub Category: Buddhism (Vajrayana) - Spiritual life / Dzogchen (Nyingma)
Product details & dimensions: xiv., ill.; 128 pages, 21 cm.

Interested readers may order online/ buy directly from the bookstores below (as at February 2012):

- Malaysia:
Address: Bagunan Perdanasiswa, Universiti Malaya, P.O. BOX 1127, Jalan Paintai Baru, 59700 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA.
Contact: Mr. Khairul Anuar Bin Saim, Assistant Manager
Tel: +6-03-7956 5000, +6-03-7956 5425 Fax: +6-03-7956 3246

- India (Book Stores):
•TIBETAN BOOK HOUSE, New Sakya H., No.192, 193, Shop 19, New Aruna Nagar, Majnu Ka Tilla, DELHI-110054.
Telfax: +91-9899874998 Email:,

•CHOS SPYOD BOOK SHOP, House No. 31, Block No. 12, Samyeling Tibetan Colony, New Aruna Nagar, Majnu-ka Tilla, DELHI-110054. Tel:+91-1123810562/1696, +91-9871182921.

- Singapore (Bookstore)
•Hudson News & Magazines, Changi Airport, Singapore


Alternatively, you may like to order directly:
• Email: or

The profits accrued from the sales of this publication are designated for the following activities/educational fund, mainly but not restricted to:

• Funding for the succeeding publication of H.E. Kunde Rinpoche.

• Education and Supports for the Lamas residing, learning and training in the Buddhist College Horthang Tashi Monastery, Republic of China, Qinghai Province, Yushu County, Qiu Zhi qumarleb Qiu Zhi Xiang, Horthang Tashi Monastery.
Thank you for your kind support and interest in Dzogchen Tradition.

(posted by sonam yeshi)

Live Story of the Oral Tradition (1) - LODOE GYATSO (1930-2001)

Posted by Sonam Yeshi
1st revised on August 29, 2011

Chat with H.E. Kunde Rinpoche - Sonam Yeshi. Transcribed in Q&A format (herein address as Tulku) in July 2011

Note: The name of Master Lodoe Gyatso was initially translation to English as Golok A-kong Tokden Rinpoche in this blog by Karma Khenpo and Jangchub Dorje (Lama).  After seeking clarification from Kunde Rinpoche, "Golok" is the geographical place of Master's home/monastery.  A cross-reference check on other translated text in Chinese translation, 'Lodoe' (罗珠) is more consistent translation - sonam yeshi, 29 August 2011

Q= sonam yeshi, A=Kunde Rinpoche, Bracket ( ) - notes added for clarity, [ ] - expression

Q: When did you commissioned the art work of your root Lama (Dzogchen Master), Lodoe Gyatso which was inserted as an illustration in your newly published book, First page (A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection/ H.E. Kunde Rinpoche; Translated by Geshe Lhakdor and Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam.ISBN: 978-967-10552-0-5).
A: In year 2009, at Nepal by an artist.

Q: Can you elaborate on its original idea?
A: I described my ideas and outline of the illustrations to the artist: My root Lama in the middle, the Three Dharma Protectors, and Samantabhadra (空心佛) on utmost top, and scene of surrounding.

Q: How special is your root Lama in the Dzogchen lineage?
A: He had teach and educated (in Khenpo training) /transmit teachings of Dzogchen, and taught many lamas in Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery on Great Perfection practice, many became ‘attained’, very well known Dzogchen Teachers in this century. Among his prominently well-known students are: H.H.Khenpo Jikme Phuntsok 法王堪布吉美彭措仁波切 (the Master of Khenpo Sotaji (索达吉堪布) & Tsultim Lodu (慈诚罗珠仁波切), and the living H.H. Kyabje Pema Kalsang Rinpoche and Kyabje Patrul Rinpoche (Doptal) of Shriseng Monastery in Tibet.

Q: Any ‘esoteric’ or spiritual story about him? Most critical life experience, like how he passed away?
A: [laughter] uh, many many. Yes, 2 weeks before he passed away, he announced to his students, and requested them to ask questions. Thereafter, every morning he gave dharma talks on Great Perfection and asked us for questions. When his physical body (the 5 elements) started to diminishing (dissolved) to emptiness, without any verbal communication, Kyabje Pema Kalsang Rinpoche arrived just on time to complete his Bodhisattva Vow (to do the special Puja & before the physical elements ‘erupted’,do the necessary according to the teaching tradition (apology - that is out of the transcriber's ability to describe in words).

Q: hey, Tulku, it is just beyond our rational mind of such ‘Art of Dying’ [laughter], lay people & new student to Dzogchen tradition like us. We had witnessed so many sufferings of our loved ones, friends, neighbours etc. dying in many difficult, unexpected & confused stages…
A: [laughter] it sounded very spiritual, but there were many extra-ordinary ‘passing away’ real live evidences in Tibet Buddhism history. Spiritual life is the quintessence of the Tibetan culture (and hope it is preserving well).

Q: Has Master taken rebirth?
A: Yes, in Tibet.

Q: How was this incarnation been recognized?
A: Master had left his written description (predicted) of his rebirth, based on those descriptions, a search was carried out.

Q: Any special ‘signals’or description in the prediction given?
A: Yes, one of these was the geographic district name, another one was the physical birth mark - there would be birthmark of a dharma protector, and he chose to be born in a common family (普通家庭).

Q: Wow, I think any of us would choose a ‘rich or wealthy’ family if we have a choice [laughter]!
A: Yes, my Master is very special - it reflects the essence of Great Compassion of my root Lama’s, Lodoe Gyatso
Q: I am curious, which great Master has recognized him [laughter]?
A: Kyabje Pema Kalsang from Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery, and another one by ... Rinpoche (one of Master's former closed disciples - apology, sonam yeshi cannot remember that Rinpoche’s name mentioned by Tulku)

Q: wow, incarnate to two individuals?
A: [laughter] (Tulku didn’t answer, may be the answer is too deep for words description, or it is beyond my limited and always confused mind’s understanding - sonam yeshi)...

Thank you Tulku, i am such blessed to have opportunities to chat with you, and learning from your humane actions.

Tashi Delek
May the roars of the teachings of Great Perfection be heard by all those who have connections and affinity to the practice. May all beings attain Enlightenment 

Monday, August 22, 2011

More than Words

Posted by Sonam Yeshi - A Tribute To Kunde Rinpoche's First Teacher (Lopon Pema Dechen)

 [Photograph provided by Kunde Rinpoche.  All rights reserved]

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Contents (Synopsis) - A Garlands of Flowers

Updated 22 August 2011
Posted by Sonam Yeshi
Book Title: A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear
Light Great Perfection
/ H.E. Kunde Rinpoche; Translated by Geshe Lhakdor and Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam.
ISBN: 978-967-10552-0-5
Published: 29 July 2011
Contents (Synopsis)
Preface from the Department of Religion & Culture, Central Tibetan Administration of the H. H. the Dalai Lama
The Lineage of Kyabje Kunde Rinpoche
Part 1 : A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Preliminary Practices of the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection
Part 2 : A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great
Part 3 : A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Introduction of the Intermediate State of the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection

Appendix – Dzogchen Affiliations
About the Translators

Back cover:
Words of Praise by His Holiness Pema Kalsang, Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery, 2011

[Interested readers for request to overview any of these pages in PDF: Contents, Preface, Introduction, Words of Praise, please email to:].

Tashi Delek 吉祥如意

Friday, August 5, 2011

An Interview with the Author - A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection

Below is an interview between H.E. Kunde Rinpoche & Sonam Yeshi regarding his newly released book publication in print , conducted on 5 August 2011.

Book title : A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection.
Author : H.E. Kunde Rinpoche; Translated by Geshe Lhakdor and Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam
ISBN: 978-967-10552-0-5
Published date: 29 July 2011
[Note : Q= Interviewer, A = Interviewee (Rinpoche).  Bracket ( ) - notes added for clarity, [ ] - expression]
Q: Rinpoche, how long did you take to wriite this book in original language, Tibetan?
A : about 10 years.
Q: What is your initial intention in writing this book?
A: Initially, i thought our lamas (monks) in Horthang Tashi Monastery need a concise teaching approach in learning the Great Perfection practice.  After i had written volumes (parts) I and II in Tibetan, the feedback from many lamas and lay people in the College of Horthang Tashi Monastery like it and found it simple to understand yet profound in the contents. 
Q: What is the uniqueness of this book that depart it from those published books in English with the title name of "Dzogchen" terminology?
A: Many books used the term 'Great Perfection' but did not concisely compiled all the major Dzogchen practice in one book (for various reasons).  In the early history the tradition of transmission of Dzogchen practitice (in Tibet) was using oral tradition of one-to-one (Master to student).  So far, the complete set in Dzogchen practice, entitled Yeshe Lama was written by Longchen Rabjam in Tibetan language**, originally carved in wood blocks.  Printed in Tibetan language have 7 volumes. Nevertheless, it only convered Trekcho (cutting-through*) and Thogal (leap-over), but not including Phowa, Clear like Dream Practice and Bardo (Intermediate State). Many famous resources are still in Tibetan language, some might have been translated by different translation groups. 
(*some publications translated Trekcho as "Thorough cut (thregcho)", "Cutting through solidity" , "Cutting through all attchment"etc.
**Note: Readers interested in an English translated publication may refer: The Practice of Dzogchen by Longchen Rabjam, Introduced, translated and annotated by Tulku Thondup. Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, New York, Boulder, Colorado, 2002).

Q: What are the advantages for the readers of A Garland of Flowers?
A: [laughter] It is a practical book of knowledge for those interested in Dzogchen practice, or Great Perfection practice. I have taken years to synthesize these mentioned few approaches or techniques  (in the book) for lamas, practioners, and lay people who are interested in this quintessence practice of Tibetan Buddhism.  Usually practitioner will concentrate on one particular practice such as Phowa practice, or Clear like Dream Practice, or Trekcho practice etc. The readers will have an advantage of an overview of Dzogchen practice, or Great Perfection practice in this one book publication. For non-practioners, it may be just for knowledge, research and comparative studies in religion, especially in regards to different spiritual traditions of Buddhism - Dzopa Chenpo (Dzogchen).
Q: [uh], and then, can you say further?
A:  Longchen Rabjam had written seven (7) volumes in Great Perfection practice on Trekcho (cutting-through*) and Thogal (leap-over).  Guru Rinpoche's teaching Bardo (title, in Tibetan) consists of 2 volumes  which includes Trekcho (cutting-through*) and Thogal (leap-over), Phowa practice, Clear like Dream Practice.  Firstly, they are very very difficult to be understood for lay people and beginner practitioners.  Secondly, it is big and bulky and take years to digest even for practitioners.  Moreover, one needs to read many books to understand all the major practices in Dzogchen (Great Perfection) tradition.  Thus, i had concisely synthesized all these most important Dzogchen practice in one book - A Garland of Flowers - as a skillful mean for those interested in this teaching, especially the practitioners.
Q: One common question - why is this publication pricy [laughter] to the eyes of some people, or local buddhists here in Malaysia, or even Asia? 
A: Those books are cheap (e.g.RM20-RM30) are compilation of Dharma Talks of teachers, general theoretically written books which researchers in Buddhism could write with good language skills, and NOT the practical Dzogchen practice which needs long years of practising, retreats and learning under the instructions of a recognized Dzogchen Master as well as learning theoretically  its method in a Buddhist College with long traditon of Dzogchen practice (such as Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery). Thus it is an invaluable treasure as a book publication.  In the past, the Tibetan king had used all the gold to preserve this teaching!
Q: Lastly, before we end our conversation, do you have anything else to share with the readers on this blog?
A: This Great Perfection practice is not meant for people who do not practice those basic Buddhist teachings or meditation.  One needs to lay the faoundations (preliminary practice) of Taking Refuge in the Three Jewels, (三皈依) Arising of the Heart Bodhicitta (发菩提心), Offering of Mandala and practicing Prostration (大礼拜), ten thousand times each practice.
Q: huh, ten thousands?
A: Yes, ten thousands each practice, then only practice the Visualization of Vajrasattva. But in view of the 'business' of lay people, you must recite the prayer of the preliminary practice of Dzogpa Chenpo Longchen Nyingthig, and practise Vajrasattva visualization.  After that, you may gradually learn and practise the other Dzogchen practice stated in A Garland of Flowers, part 2 and part 3 under a recognized Dzogchen master. It is not meant for curiosity and fascination you wanna practice  Trekcho and Thogal after you learned these two terms from my book [laughter] - like one of my local friends expressed to myself [laughter].

Q: Thank you very much to Kunde Rinpoche for spending your precious time chatting with me on this very profound and interesting book.
A: Thank you. Tashi Delek

May all beings be Well and Happy.  May the merits gain in this publication be shared with all sentient beings, and for those who practise the Path to Enlightenment...

Tashi Delek.
(Note: Transcribed by Sonam Yeshi, rev. on 12 August 2011.  Any mistakes herein were the ignorant of the transcriber, kindly feedback and notify at  - posted by Sonam Yeshi)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Publication descriptions - A Garland of Flowers

Updated 25 August 2011
For international sales, readers may order directly from the distributor below:
Contact: Mr. Khairul Anuar Bin Saim, Assistant Manager
Address: Bagunan Perdanasiswa, Universiti Malaya, P.O. bOX 1127, Jalan Paintai Baru, 59700 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA.
Tel: +6(03) 7956 5000
        +6(03) 7956 5425
Fax: +6(03) 7956 3246

Thank You for your kind support

Posted by : Sonam Yeshi, August 2011
Book Title : A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection.
Author : H.E. Kunde Rinpoche; Translated by Geshe Lhakdor and Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam
ISBN: 978-967-10552-0-5
Published date: 29 July 2011

Original Cover design by H.E. Kunde Rinpoche

Product Descriptions:
Main Category : Religion
Sub Category: Tibetan Buddhism (Vajrayana) / Dzogchen (Nyingma)
Format : Paperback
Product details & dimensions: 128 pages, 8.5 x 5.7 x 0.3 inches (21 x 14.6 x 0.6 centimeter)


His Eminence Kunde Rinpoche has composed this book in 3 parts for readers who are interested in Buddhism in general and Dzogchen practice of Vajrayana Buddhism in particular. Dzogchen, literally “Great Perfection’ is the primary teaching of Nyingmapa school of Tibetan Buddhism. The book is presented in questions and answers form to provide structural learning processes from preliminary practice path in part 1 for beginners to understand the basic principles of  how one should generate one’s mind to prevent afflictive emotions, conditions to practice the Dharma, understanding of the six realms of existence and methods of purifying wrongdoings, etc. Part 2 concisely provided the teachings and learning manuals on the method of actualizing Buddhahood in one life time through one physical body by first practicing the Shamatha (calm-abiding) Mediation to the inexhaustible treasure of highly secret great perfection practice (Atiyoga). The Clear Light Great Perfection practice consists of four parts: trekcho (cutting through) practice, thogal (leap-over) practice, clear light dream practice, and phowa practice.  Finally, part 3 describes the intermediate state (Bardo) experience of Peaceful and Wrathful deities, as His Holiness Pema Kalsang puts it in his Words of Praise,  “guides us, such as how one should nakedly experience the great unconditioned dharmakaya during the intermediate state” based on Dzogchen practice. 

About the Author: The third Kyabje Kunde Rinpoche, not only completed his studies at Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery, but indeed he is a highly competent master in the generation and completion stages of the Dzogchen tradition – His Holiness Pema Kalsang, Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery, Words of Praise:A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection, back cover page, 2011.
For International direct book order from the author, please email to:
Benefits of directly order from the author, the profit generated are meant to subsidize the following educational activities:
  • To hold a Grand Puja (700 Buddhas Empowerment specifically for Rinpoche and Lama) as per request of Choktul Karde Rinpoche to be held at Horthang Tashi Monastery in the near future if conditions are right.
  • Funding for succeeding publication of H.E. Kunde Rinpoche (and the Lamas' Hostels building fund for Horthang Tashi Monastery  is a continuous project).
  • To set up an initial education fund for the Lamas learning, training and retreats  (inclusive of any needs of further in-depth Great Perfection practice at Dzogchen Shriseng Monastery) residing in the Buddhist College Horthang Tashi Monastery, Republic of China, Qinghai Province,Yishu County, Chumar, Qiu Zhi Town, Horthang Tashi Monastery.   Email:
[to share: A brochure page designed by H.E.Kunde Rinpoche, June 2011]

[Note: This is the only soft copy file saved in PDF file, after Rinpoche had done the final version of the Cover Design in July 2011, his computer corrupted and crashed, and we never get this design in print!!! - signifying the impermanence of  conditional phenomenon - Sonam Yeshi, 12 August 2011]

Tashi Delek
Sonam Yeshi, August 2011

Annoucement - Book Publication on Dzogchen Practice

My Dear Friends,

With joy, we are posting this annoucement for the publication of my manuscript which i had used more than ten (10) years to compose 3 volumes - initially the long trail was aimed for sharing the Dzogchen practice with lamas of Vajrayana School, in particular as a learning and teaching guide and manual for Dzogpachenpo (Great Perfection) practice.  The manuscript was originally written in Tibetan language and two of the three volumes had been published in Tibetan under the sponsorships of many friends, in particular a friend from Singapore.

In 2009, i have approached Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala to translate this work into English to benefit those who do not read Tibetan. With the verbal moral support of H.H.the 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche of Dzogchen Monastery, India who compassionately supported the thought that if this manuscript that shares the treasure-trove of Dzogpachenpo practiceis is not shared in print, available only for those who could read Tibetan language, then if one day an unrecognized teacher published text in English and claimed the practice is Great Perfection which may be contradictory to the nature of mind and Buddhist teachings, it may cause confusion to those who are interested to learn this Dzogchen tradition. 

Book Title : A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection.
Author : H.E. Kunde Rinpoche; Translated by Geshe Lhakdor and Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam
ISBN: 978-967-10552-0-5
Published date: 29 July 2011
My greatest appreciation to the Translators, Geshe Lhakdor & Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam who had made this difficult task possible. Thanks to the two assiting editors also, Ms. Kerry Wright and Ms. Katrina Moxey who had helped greatly in this work.  Without all of their knowledge and efforts, this publication would not be possible.
A page of Acknowledgements to all friends who have supported and assisted in this manuscript publication was recorede in this book (p. xi).
[Bood Cover - original design by H.E. Kunde Rinpoche]
May we dedicate the merits accumulated from this works be shared with all sentient beings, to the long life of His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, and to the people working today in every corner of the globe to bring peace, harmony and well-being to our Mother Earth.
May the fragrance of A Garland of Flowers brings joy, happiness and actualize the supremely precious state of complete enlightenment to those who hear, learn and practice it earnestly with complete pure intention for enlightenment.
Tashi Delek 吉祥如意
[posted by sonam yeshi for the author]