Friday, February 21, 2014

Information & Updates on the Proposed Project of A New Monastery

21 Feb. 2014 - posted by student sonam yeshi

Notice to dear patrons, concerned communities, practitioners, students, friends, supporters and interested readers:
A special Page on '2014 Project - A New Monastery with A Retreat Centre' has been created  to ease communication & provides updates, process in progress. Furthermore, it serve as a record and profiling  information which may soon becoming history or past right efforts of many people who contributed towards this dream...
[these temporary artistic impression images were designed by Kyabje Kunde Rinpoche. All rights reserved]

(img. 1) - an exterior impression

(img.2) - consists: a Buddhist temple

*Note: Please refer the special Page in this blog located at the right-side bar on the progress of the initial planning & draft layout designs. Later, stages of work in progress & the links on photos of the work progress would be uploaded after the construction works started. - 21.2.2014, sonam yeshi.

"Through the roots of virtue I have amassed, may all sentient beings of the six realms - especially those who have direct connection with me - be freed from temporary hindrances such as conflicts, arguments, illnesses, harm from evil forces, wrongdoings and obscurations and spontaneously fulfill their wishes; and ultimately, may they quickly actualize the supremely precious state of complete enlightenment." - pp.108, A Garland of Flowers: Questions and Answers on the Highly Secret Clear Light Great Perfection / H.E. Kunde Rinpoche; Translated by Geshe Lhakdor and Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam (2011)