posted by sonam yeshi
To: H.E. Kunde Rinpoche & Lamas at Dzogchen Monastery, India
I would like to express my many thanks and gratitude to H.E. Kunde Rinpoche &
Lamas who performed a short Smoke Puja on 13-15 March 2012 at 6.00P.M. local time of India at Dzogchen Monastery, India upon my request on 13 March 2012.
May the Merits and Blessings be dedicated to the continuous growth of Dzogchen Monastery globally, and unhindered dissemination of Dharma activities under the auspicious Blessings of Dzogchen Monastery to bring Peace and Happiness to all Sentient Beings in the Universe...
May the Buddha's Boundless Lights of Compassion and Wisdom Illuminating the Universe, above, below and across...
Tashi Delek